Optimizing Railway Operations: a Comprehensive Data Reporting System for Efficient Analysis and Streamlined Decision-Making in Track Geometry Inspection.

The primary challenge identified during the requirements gathering workshop was the cumbersome process of consolidating, processing, and analyzing raw data collected by a Track Geometry Inspection Vehicle (TGIV).
Stitchcode, leveraging its extensive experience in Railway inspection reporting, received a request from a consulting firm specializing in Rail Infrastructure monitoring for Transnet Freight Rail (TFR).
The primary challenge identified during the requirements gathering workshop was the cumbersome process of consolidating, processing, and analyzing raw data collected by a Track Geometry Inspection Vehicle (TGIV). The current method involved physically downloading data onto a drive and sending it through a courier. This process took time due to geographical distances, as well as the time needed for courier services. The analysis and report verification in the existing software also added to the delay, taking a minimum of two to three days. As a result, the client struggled to meet the prescribed five-day turnaround time for providing reports and recommendations to TFR.
Problem Definition, Research, and High-Level Requirement Gathering

This Offboard system enabled efficient processing of raw data, allowing the generation of reports for timely analysis. Customizable settings and configurations were incorporated to empower users to make necessary amendments to the reports.
We took on the challenge and developed an Offboard system to address the identified issues. Firstly, a cloud-based solution was implemented to expedite the download of raw data from the TGIV server to the cloud, providing immediate access for post-processing and saving three days in the process.
Secondly, a Python-based desktop application, compatible with the client's Windows machines, was designed and developed. This Offboard system enabled efficient processing of raw data, allowing the generation of reports for timely analysis. Customizable settings and configurations were incorporated to empower users to make necessary amendments to the reports.
Problem Solving, Research, Ideation, and Conceptualization

The Offboard system underwent an agile development process, with ±67 reports developed and delivered across five milestones. At the completion of each milestone, Stitchcode's Test team tested the reports to ensure structural correctness. This iterative approach allowed for ongoing refinement, incorporating user feedback and ensuring a seamless integration of the Offboard system into the client's workflow.
Agile Development Cycles, Design, User Testing, and Feedback
Continuous Improvement, Deployment, and Delivery
Building on the success of the railway inspection reporting project, we’ve expanded our expertise to a similar project for an international railway company. This demonstrates a commitment to continuous improvement and the application of lessons learned to new challenges.